Refractory defects
It’s an alteration of the corneal curvature.
At retinal level, images arriving at macula region are overlapped and the patient sees a halo around the objects he/she is looking at. […]
The axial length of the eye is less than that of the eye that does not need corrective lenses (emmetropia).
The patient sees well from far away, but eye structures must […]
It is a natural process of the eye coming with aging.
We focus objects at near and at intermediate distances using crystalline elasticity.
With age, the lens gradually loses its capacity to […]
Ocular pathologies
Central serous chorioretinopathy
In this retinal disease patient complains about decreased vision and/or image distortion.
A serous retinal DEP in macular (symptomatic) or extra macular area (possibly asintomatic) can be detected. […]
Dislacrimia (dry eye)
It’s a frequent tear film alteration that can be both qualitative and quantitative.
Symptoms are red eye, itching, pain, sensation of a foreign body, blurred vision and tearing.
Hormonal changes, […]
Macular degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration increases with aging.
Risk factors are age, familiarity, smoking, hypertension.
Two forms of AMD can be diagnosed:
- atrophic or dry maculopathy
- exudative or wet maculopathy
Patient […]
Macular pucker
Macular pucker (vitreomacular traction syndrome ) is an alteration of the connection between the vitreoretinal membrane and the retina.
The patient may have a drop in the sight or may see […]
Posterior vitreous detachment
The vitreous is a gelatinous material that fills eye inside.
The vitreous changes with aging becoming smaller until it detaches from the head of the optic nerve: posterior vitreous detachment.
Patient […]
Retinal detachment
At retinal level complicated processes allow us to record images.
Central area (macula) records images in bright light (cones) giving us the possibility to detect fine details. Signals from the […]
Rhegmatogenous areas
Thinnig of retinal tissue in periferic areas can predispose to rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.
Myopia is more frequently related to these areas.
Retinal thinning should be monitored and treated with laser to prevent […]